Craps Board Rules

The game of Craps is the most popular and crowded at the casinos. It is full of people screaming and shouting, with ebullient alcoholics, and yanks, asians and european gamblers betting on dice rolls. Compared to slots machines, Craps the far more exciting option and requires only a little understanding to get started.

Craps Board Rules

To help you fit in at the Craps tables, you should take the time to read some important Craps etiquette tips below. They’ll not only help you get started but also prevent you being chucked out or accidentally ruining the game for others.

Placing Bets

It’s always a multiple of your flat bet (e.g., 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x,etc.) Table Odds are almost always posted on casino craps tables with signs. Asof this writing THE RIO, THE PARIS and SUNCOAST are the only casinos in Las Vegasnoted by this author that do not post Table Odds signs on their craps tables. The C&E bet is actually a combination of the any craps bet and the yo bet. Basically when you bet on C and E, you are wagering that the shooter will roll any craps numbers (2, 3, or 12) and 11. If you hit any one of these numbers, you win the bet. The Don’t Pass Bet in Craps. B ecause the Don’t Pass bet is almost exactly opposite of the Pass Line bet, you might want to review our other article about the Pass Line where concepts and terms used in this article are defined, such as “flat bet.”. Rule 21: Rules for Blackjack-Poker Combination Games Rule 22: Rules for Roulette Rule 23: Rules of Craps Rule 24: Limited Gaming Fund. Combined Rules and Regulations. For more information on: Proposed changes to Gaming Rules, and Stakeholder Engagement Protocol, please see the Rulemaking Information page found here. They still played the game of Hazard but began refining the rules to simplify it, and in doing so made the game more mathematically fair. The name evolved, as well. Crabs (also spelled crabes) was the lowest roll in the game. The Louisiana French began to refer to the game by this name, ultimately calling it craps.

When you’re ready to place bet you should hand your money to one of the base dealers. These are the guys that stand either side of the boxman to collect and place bets (in quiet games there might only be one base dealer). The dealer will then give the boxman your money or exchange chips for you. It’s important to remember that the dealer is not supposed to touch the customers. You should place your money on the table and ask for change or chips.

When betting you need to understand the rules of the game. Craps can be a bit wielding to the first time player so you can’t expect to be able to understand the game within the first minutes. When you feel ready to place a bet, place your chips on the table and tell the base dealer what you want e.g. proposition bets or “Hard 8”.

It is considered rude to “late bet”, i.e. make wagers after the dice have left the middle of the table. It slows play down and the stickman or pitboss can disallow such a bet at his discretion.

When making Field Bets or Big 6 or Big 8 you should place your chips on the table yourself (the bets are located in the corner behind the Pass Line). Place Bets and Come Line bet will be tracked by the dealer who pays the players directly. For Hardway bets and other proposition bets, players should throw their chips onto the relevant part of the table and shout to the stickman what they want. It is the stickman’s job to tack these bets and to tell the dealer when a player has won. The Free Odds bets are not displayed on the table, to place an Odds bet you should say to the dealer “Odds on my six, please”.

Finally, when the dealer calls out “The dice are out!” or “Hands High!”, you must stop placing bets and make room for the shooter to role. Hands High means you must take your hands off the table to give the pitboss an easier time.


Handling the Dice

It is perfectly permissible for you to skip the turn of the Shooter in order to give someone else a throw. Just pass the dice to the person on your right in clockwise manner. Remember that whoever is the shooter needs to place the minimum bet on the Pass/Don’t Pass Line.

When it is your turn to roll, try not to take too long and make wait for the signal of the dealer. Some drunk players spend too much time “wishing”, shaking or blowing on their dice. This slows the game down and creates unnecessary suspense and drama. Just take a few shakes and roll the dice. When you roll the dice you must make sure they reach the end of the table and bounce of the triangular/felt. This ensures randomness and prevents cheating.

It is considered taboo, though not illegal, for a shooter to leave after a successful Come Out roll. The shooter retains the right to keep rolling until he or she sevens out (loses the point). However, if the shooter leaves before the Come out roll than the next player should roll with permission from the Pit Poss.

No Drinks/Food on the Craps Table

In most casinos it is forbidden for you to place food or drinks on the table. If spilt, it can soak the cloth and cause expensive damage. Most casinos have added cup holders under to rails of Craps tables which is where you should place your drink. You should also avoid smoking over the Craps table as dealer do not appreciate the ash spilling onto it.

Tipping the Dealer

It is good etiquette to tip dealers when you leave on a win. Most dealers receive minimum wage and receive a high percentage of their salary this way. In Craps the correct thing to do is drop some chip on the table and announce “For the House”.

General Rules

You should always avoid getting overtly drunk in casinos. Not only can this damage your bankroll but it can also lead to fights, confusion over chips and eventually getting kicked out. Casinos often entice their customers to drink because it makes them depart with more money. However, there is a limit to what they will acccept and most casinos will happily chuck you out once you’ve lost enough money.

Also don’t cheer, smurk or make a sarcastic smile when another player loses. This can also cause fights or tension

We all worry. Sometimes it’s hard to stop. Especially when you are making big changes in your life. But worry can derail your plans, and cause more things to worry about!

Looking for a simple technique to stop your brain from going non-stop? Put pen to paper and create a CRAP board. Developed by Neuroscience expert Mark Waldman, CRAP stands for Conflicts, Resistances, Anxieties, Procrastination (but it works for any other “problem” you think you have).

Craps Board Rules

Mark created this variation of a well-established technique that has 30 years of research behind it. The Neuroscience of observing negative thoughts shows thatyou can actually turn off the negative emotional circuits in your brainby being mindfully observant of them.

In fact, your brain functionally disconnects from any worry when you deeply relax and observe it on a sheet of paper! Read on to create your CRAP board…

Creating your CRAP Board

  1. On a single sheet of paper write down at least 20 of your limiting beliefs, worries, fears, weaknesses, doubts – real or imaginary.
  2. Deeply relax and ask your intuition what else you should add to the list.
  3. Then add all of the weakness that you believe other people would say you have.
  4. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, 3 times.
  5. As you feel yourself relax, gaze at the paper in front of you.
  6. Don’t judge anything you see; just observe it like any other object in the room. As you gaze, yawn slowly
  7. If you are comfortable doing so gently stroke your hands and arms (it stimulates areas in the brain relating to self-confidence).

Did you notice a reduction in intensity about your list? No, repeat steps 4-7 at least 3 times.

Craps Board Rules Poker

Craps board rules

As you look at each item on your list, ask yourself: are these negative thoughts REALLY true? Are they happening right now? Most of the time you’ll see that they are just memories.

Repeat this phrase as you look at the items that aren’t really true:

Craps Board Rules

These problems are not real; they are memories from the past projected into the future.

Craps Board Rules



This is the real secret to this technique. If you throw away the paper, your unconscious mind will start to ruminate on all that negativity. When it’s on a sheet of paper, there is a neural “disconnect,” as if your brain knows that your crap is safely tucked away and doesn’t need to worry about it anymore.

Just post it near your desk or somewhere where you can see the paper but not so that you can fixate/read it.

Some people believe that writing down their “crap” will make it manifest in the world. Nothing can be farther from the truth. The Law of Attraction states that you manifest what you focus on. Once your worries are on the paper and out of your mind you don’t focus on them.

Bonus Exercise:

Craps Board Game Rules

Many fears and limiting beliefs live in your subconscious and may require more effort to release. Take your top worry, reverse it, and turn it into your Sankalpa for your Yoga-Nidra meditation practice.

Craps Board Rules Games

What questions do you have about reducing your stress?Let me know so I can create resources to help